Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Things I shouldn't do.

There are several things that I should just stay away from. These are things I love, but do me no good. These things will inevitably ruin me, get me into large amounts of trouble, and/or kill me. Feel free to add to my list in comments, but here they are in no particular order:
  • Chocolate cake.
  • Tight entrance ramps.
  • Cigarettes.
  • One certain dark-haired boy.
  • Alcohol before 2pm.
Maybe it's not the 2pm part of the binge that's the problem, but the filling of the entire "card" in a matter of 2 hours. Confused? Well, let me explain. Saturday, I went to a Schlafly beer tasting event at the evil City Museum. For $10, you get a punch card equivalent to 18 "taster" size samples of a crapload of different beers. Naturally, I wanted to get my money's worth, and since I got there late, I had some major catching up to do. Everything started well, I tasted several different beers, and we got along fine. Luckily, they were small glasses so I didn't have to waste too much time getting to know them. Then I met Oatmeal Stout and I never tasted another. We were inseparable for the rest of the day (by then I had an hour and a half left). I became friends with the Oatmeal Stout tapper and she kept my glass full, my heart fuzzy and my sobriety diminishing. Honestly, I don't remember past the first hour, but I'm positive I said some incredibly intelligent things very loudly. Here are my other very intelligent, very drunk friends, Lori, Lauren, Becky and moi.

You might notice that I cut all my hair off. I don't really have anything to say about that, except it's true, I cut it all off, every single one. (One or two of you will understand this reference.) Here's another picture of Lori and her brother, JJ. Aren't they cute?

I do remember leaving and eating a giant burrito once I got home. I couldn't fall asleep because everything was spinning, and we all know what that leads to. I think I fell asleep for like 15 minutes because I have this picture.

Then I woke up and went snowboarding! YAY! Not so much, because I was hungover. I'm not sure I've ever been hungover during the day, but it's not so fun. And that is why you shouldn't drink before 2pm.


Blogger Calamity Jen said...

Wait a minute, are you related to that Walter Smith tool? Inquisitive, inschmizitive.

3:02 PM

Blogger Calamity Jen said...

Monsieur Bouchard, although I may love each of my vices very much, I lose all control and reasonable thought processes around them. They might not be bad, but they certainly will get me into all kinds of trouble.

And for Erika, I meant a hangover the same DAY as the actual drunkeness. Good times.

1:08 PM


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